Programmes of Archaeological Work
What is a Programme of Archaeological Work?
Many of the reports AB Heritage provide, such as Initial Site Heritage Appraisals, Archaeology Desk Based Assessments or Heritage Statements, are designed to provide accurate information to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) as part of a planning application. In cases where there is known archaeology or heritage present that may be subject to possible impact, or where there is a potential for such features to survive, then further works may be necessary. These Programmes of Archaeological Works gather further information and develop a suitable strategy to avoid or mitigate impact to the heritage resource, or an actual mitigation strategy, recording any archaeological or historic remains present, as part of a written record to compensate for the impact on such features (often termed ‘Preservation by Record’).
These works are wide ranging and often complex, requiring careful management to ensure that the programme of archaeological work or historic building input required is undertaken smoothly and efficiently. This is where AB Heritage is able to provide significant added value to your works, managing the programme of archaeological works from the outset, for works as diverse as Geophysical Survey, Detailed Walkover Surveys, Historic Building Recording, Trial Trenching and Evaluation and Archaeological Excavation.
How can AB Heritage help manage your Programme of Archaeological Work?
AB Heritage is a Registered Archaeological Organisation with the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists, and highly experienced in managing programmes of archaeological work. Acting as the lead project managers, on behalf of our clients in respect of their archaeological and heritage works, we cost and build a bespoke team of trusted and audited contractors to undertake on-site works; this can involve vetting and approving experts from a wide range of disciplines, including: field archaeologists; paleoenvironmental and materials specialists; historic researchers; forensic analysis providers; surveyors; illustrators; geophysics practitioners; and plant machinery operators, to name a few.
It is our understanding of the significance of any archaeology and heritage present, from a local, regional or national context, that is key to AB Heritage developing and managing the most appropriate and targeted investigation and/or mitigation strategy possible, typically defining the required works in a clear and focussed Written Scheme of Investigation.
Once works progress we act as the eyes and ears of our clients. Our consultants ensure works progress in a timely manner, review the suitability and practicality of any requests for further works or information from stakeholders, and help to deliver the works at the earliest possible opportunity. Where we act as project manager for our clients, AB Heritage ensures that all parties know what is happening, and what is required, throughout the life of the works, helping balance the needs of the historic environment with that of future development.
When are Programmes of Archaeological Work needed?
Typically notified as a condition attached to planning consent, many Programmes of Archaeological Work are requested when there is some form of potential to impact archaeology or heritage. This results in a requirement to either determine the presence / absence of archaeology or to mitigate the impacts of development upon an area of known or potential archaeology or heritage. These works are often agreed in advance with the Local Planning Authority or National Heritage Agency (such as Historic England, Cadw or Historic Scotland) and undertaken in accordance with a Written Scheme of Investigation and in-line with Standard and Guidance of the Chartered Institute for Archaeology.