Planning and Archaeology in the UK
How and why the planning process works to support development and protect heritage.
It is widely recognised that over 90% of unknown archaeology comes about as a result of development in the UK. Maybe less well understood is that fewer than 5% of known archaeological sites are protected under a formal protected designation. The rest, over 95%, rely on the current UK Planning legislation and are managed through current national and local planning policies.
The Archaeology and Planning Case Studies Project presented by the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) has been funded by Historic England and supported by partner organisations*. CIfA together with the authors have collected 117 case studies of how the current UK Planning system works in practice to manage archaeology, and what happens when key policies are implemented effectively, and what happens when they are not.
AB Heritage consultants always encourage clients to understand the potential impact of development on the historic environment as a key early decision-point in preparing for any development, and most certainly before design plans are finalised.
There are many assessments that Heritage Consultants can employ in a phased approach to ensure that heritage impact is properly understood and managed. These range from Initial Site Heritage Appraisals, to Archaeology Desk Based Assessments, Geophysical Surveys, Trial Trenching and others.
AB Heritage supports this report that provides a useful evidence base for how the current Planning process can support development and protect the best of our shared heritage.
* Association of Local Government Archaeology Officers (ALGAO), Council for British archaeology (CBA) and the Federation for Archaeological Managers and Employers (FAME)