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How a phased-approach Heritage Statement can help inform your designs

Over recent years AB Heritage have developed a more nuanced approach to Heritage Statements that has enabled our clients to use the document as a tool to help guide their designs from the outset of a project.

These documents are best employed after early engagement between the client and our team and are ideal in situations where there are likely to be constraints due to known heritage issues, such as the property being a Designated Asset, or a proposed development being located within a Conservation Area.

In these instances, we would recommend a phased Heritage Statement. These would entail in the first instance an initial historic assessment and site visit to understand the significance of the heritage asset, along with any opportunities to introduce changes, compiled into a fully illustrated report.

After the production of this ‘Statement of Significance’, we would then provide consultation to the design team to inform the design and development procedure as it progresses.

This would be concluded with an Impact Assessment on the finished design proposals to include with the original Statement of Significance, forming a complete Heritage Statement to support a formal planning application.


If you are looking to submit a planning application for a development which is likely to have heritage constraints, why not contact us at info@abheritage.co.uk and see how our team can help guide your designs.

AB Heritage is a registered organisation with the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists, the organisation that sets and monitors the quality standards for commericial archaeology in the UK.

Paul Cooke is a member of our professional consultant team. Visit his page here.

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