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Heritage Works and Listed Buildings

The Listing and De-Listing process

1. Where can I find out if my building is Listed?

There are different sources of information on Listed Buildings in the UK. Please see below for the one appropriate for you.

England: Search the List – Map Search | Historic England

Scotland: Site Search | Canmore

Wales: Coflein – The online catalogue of archaeological sites, historic buildings, industrial and maritime heritage in Wales

2. Is it possible to have my property De-Listed?

Historic England maintains the List in England. Please refer above for Scotland and Wales. If a building is considered by the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport to be of special architectural or historic interest it will be included on a list of such buildings.
Historic England Guidance on De-Listing a property provides an overview of the application process for removing a building from the List, also known as de-listing. It should be noted that an application for de-listing is a separate process from the review of listing decisions, which is a challenge to the validity of a recent listing decision. More details can be found on the DCMS website.

External Works to Listed Buildings

1. Can I extend my historic property?

Planning Permission may be required. If your building is Listed it will need Listed Building Consent. There is no general rule covering the maximum increase in size of a building with a new extension, if it is permitted. However, an extension should respect the character and dimensions of the original building. Sometimes an extension can be used to correct previous poor additions to historic properties, so thinking about complementary designs could be an important early step. Your Local Planning Conservation Officer can advise at pre-planning stage. Heritage Consultants, like AB Heritage, can assist with active planning applications to help clarify important features of heritage significance that can help shape designs.

heritage window sash and shuttersInterior Works to Listed Buildings

1. Can I install uPVC windows as replacements for original windows?

For Listed properties, authentic windows and doors are key elements of the architectural and historic special interest of the building. They contribute to the character of any property. Proposed works that may affect the special architectural and historic interest of a Listed Building will require Listed Buildings Consent. Where a building is not Listed but is located within a Conservation Area, Planning Permission for upgrading and renovation works may still be needed. These works are covered by Article 4 Directions.

We have two blogs that you may find useful covering the upgrading of windows in Listed Buildings: Replacing Windows in Listed Buildings on the use of uPVC windows in historic buildings.

2. I have a Listed Property. What redecoration may be permitted?

If your property is Listed or in a Conservation Area, you should seek early guidance before making any changes either externally or internally as consent may be required. You could make contact with your Local Planning Authority Conservation Officer for advice, or visit the Historic England website Advice pages.

Historic England have produced an easy-to-read guide for owners of Listed Buildings explaining the Listed Building Consent Process, follow this link to a downloadable version.

3. Where can I get advice about listed building repair and maintenance for my historic building?

There are many sources of detailed information about how to look after and maintain older properties including from Historic England. Some forms of repair and maintenance may require surveys to be undertaken and replacement of historic fabric and material may require specific planning permission.

Conservation specialists can be approached for further advice on the treatments of fabrics and materials. A good source for specialist suppliers is The Listed Property Owners Club.

The Settings of Listed Buildings

1. My local Conservation officer has questioned whether my proposed extension will impact the setting of some neighbouring properties. What does this mean?

The setting of Heritage Assets is protected under a number of legal and policy provisions across the UK. These policies state that the impacts to heritage assets not only cover direct changes to the fabric of such structures, but also relate to potential harm on the setting, character or surroundings of such features, referred to under the blanket term setting. We have prepared a blog, How Development Changes to Settings can Impact Heritage Assets, which clarifies this rather complex area, which provides links to further detail.

Development within the grounds of Listed Buildings and in rural locations.

1. Do I need to consider the impact to trees when planning redevelopment?

Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) deal with all planning matters relating to trees and hedges. Before carrying out works to trees you should always check with the LPA whether consent is required. Individual trees may be protected by Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) or more generally if they are within a Conservation Area. If trees are protected then consent is required for works to be done to them. Information about these consents is given in the Historic England Heritage Protection Guide

If you own or are looking to redevelop a rural property or to build on former agricultural land or fresh countryside, it is possible that some sites will have to follow strict planning rules. Included in these will be protection for heritage – but what heritage? Our blog Development in Historic Landscapes provides some useful information on lesser known heritage assets that can be found in rural areas.

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