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Daniel Dodds presents at Constructing Excellence North East

AB Heritage in association with Constructing Excellence and Generation4Change North East held a morning seminar for Developers and Planners.

Managing Archaeology and Heritage as part of a Successful Development seminar was held on March 16th at the offices of Lichfields in Newcastle.

The focus of the seminar was set firmly on how to manage development project risk associated with heritage and archaeology, and aimed to show how the earliest consideration of heritage could provide the best opportunities for reducing or avoiding costly mitigation later on.


Daniel Dodds, Senior Heritage Consultant with AB Heritage demonstrated how to cost-effectively manage risks through a phased approach to heritage management, a better understanding of greenfield and brownfield archaeology, the benefits of incorporating archaeology early into the design and development process, how to ensure the right skills are in place, and finally, tips on how to work with heritage consultants.

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Daniel was joined by industry and heritage experts from Lichfields, Bond Dickinson LLP and Historic England to provide latest guidance on heritage relating to Planning, Listed Building Consents, Scheduled Monuments and Assets of Community Value.

Daniel said “All the speakers were keen to get across the message that heritage needs to be carefully considered right from the outset – before any major design work begins. That’s when heritage consultants can offer the best value to clients. We were delighted to speak at this seminar for Constructing Excellence North East and G4C teams.  By adding clarity to the process of managing heritage, we have been able to support the ethos of Constructing Excellence, by helping to provide better outcomes – all part of achieving successful developments for the industry.”

AB Heritage is a development-led archaeological consultancy offering responsive, timely and bespoke solutions to minimise historic environment project risk. We are member of Constructing Excellence and Constructionline and we are registered with the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists.

Read more about our services, recent projects and meet the team. if you would like to discuss AB Heritage presenting at your event, please email with the details.


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