Crick Wharf, Northamptonshire
AB Heritage was commissioned to produce a number of works including an Historic Building Recording, Heritage Statement, Condition Survey and Schedule of Works.
Crick Wharf is an early 19th century former industrial wharf located on the Leicester Line of the Grand Union Canal. The wharf sits within the Grand Union Canal Conservation Area and contains Wharf House – a Grade II Listed Building, and two curtilage Listed Buildings. The wharf originally contained not only the buildings that still remain, but a series of limekilns and what appears to be a small farm. In its current standing, the wharf has undergone little fundamental change over the course of 200 years. Crucially the site retains its original plan form of buildings situated around an open courtyard fronting onto the canal with the Wharfinger’s House and Office in a prominent position overlooking all the operations which once took place within the Wharf.
The complex site firstly required a Heritage Statement to understand the historical development and significance of the wharf. This was followed with an Historic Building Recording of Wharf House was undertaken as a pre-commencement measure prior to repair works and redevelopment of Wharf House. The building recording was undertaken in conjunction with a Condition Survey and a subsequent Schedule of Works was produced in line with conservation best practice for the repair and ongoing conservation of Wharf House. AB Heritage undertakes all heritage works inline with industry standards for commercial archaeology set by the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists and Historic England.
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