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Programme of Archaeology, Chiswick, London

To progress plans for a new hotel in Chiswick, and to satisfy Planning, our clients required three phases of archaeology assessment.

The development site for the new hotel was located in an Archaeology Priority Area, designated for the potential for Roman remains and the London to Staines Roman Road. There was also the potential for 19th century market garden remains.

Initially an Archaeology Desk Based Assessment, prepared by AB Heritage, provided a review of all known documentation including mapping and previous works to assess the likelihood of surviving finds to be present, which may need to be recorded. This was reviewed by the LPA and an Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation was requested, followed by fieldworks in the form of an Archaeological Evaluation

The Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation defined the parameters for the evaluation and detailed the site procedures for the archaeological works, in line with the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists’ policy and guidelines. These were followed by the contractor during the fieldwork phase and for the production of the final Archaeological Evaluation report, which was provided to the LPA to satisfy Planning.

After consultation it was agreed that the Archaeological Evaluation would comprise the machine excavation of three trenches measuring 10m long by 1.8m wide. In this instance, all trenches were clear of any finds and the trenches were made good. 

Having satisfied planning requirements and gained approval, our clients were able to proceed with the development.

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AB Heritage is a registered organisation with the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists