Barn Orchard, Devon
AB Heritage was recommended by a prestigious law firm to assist one of their clients with an enforcement notice and to assist with consultation with Historic England.
During the process of the conversion of Barn Orchard a listed barn in Devon, located within the curtilage of a Grade II* Listed farmhouse, the clients found themselves issued with an enforcement notice, as attempts to rectify an error on architectural drawings to avoid damaging significant historic features of the barn and to re-house bats, had potentially affected the setting of the adjacent farmhouse.
AB Heritage was able to weigh the impacts of the approved barn designs against the altered plans and found they would have caused a greater level of harm to the significance of the barn had the approved plans been implemented.
Consultation with Historic England
We were also able to suggest mitigation strategies to minimise the perceived impacts upon the setting of the farmhouse and consult with Historic England on our client’s behalf. The enforcement notice was subsequently withdrawn as a result of the professional input that AB Heritage was able to provide.
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