A120 Bypass (& Flood alleviation scheme) Little Hadham, Herts
Archaeological investigation works determine the nature, significance and likely extent of heritage assets on a given site. An Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation, guides the works by setting out how it will be undertaken and managed
AB Heritage was commissioned by Temple Group to provide an Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) covering the line of a proposed bypass to the historic village of Little Hadham in Hertfordshire.
The existing A120 runs directly through Hadham, along the course of what was a Roman Road, while nearby is the Scheduled Monument of Mill Mound. The works were planned within a linear stretch of land north of Little Hadham, which was largely agricultural, though with some woodland and existing roadway / village elements present.
Earlier archaeological investigation in the form of a Geophysical Survey and Archaeological Evaluation had identified archaeological potential within the line of the proposed bypass, necessitating the implementation of a Programme of Archaeological Works. It was at this stage that Temple Group brought in AB Heritage to develop a Written Scheme of Investigation, a method statement clearly describing the process and approach to how archaeology and / or heritage works will be undertaken against set objectives and in-line with local and national guidance.
To ensure that all parties and stakeholders were aware of the working practices to be followed AB Heritage ensured the WSI included set parameters such as: method of works; research aims; milestones; targets; performance; legal requirements; health & safety; responsibilities; and timing.
The value of field working expertise
Engaging a heritage consultancy with trusted field working experience is a must to ensure the plans are robust, comprehensive, and achievable. A well-prepared WSI will ensure project objectives are met and industry quality standards are followed.
The A120 Bypass and Flood Alleviation works WSI was approved by the LPA and consent for construction works was given, in the knowledge that elements relating to heritage management were properly and thoroughly managed.